Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cornell Lab of Ornithology - NestCams

Spring has sprung and it is a great time to introduce students to the wonders of nature. The NestCams provided by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology gives students the opportunity to view birds courting, mating, laying eggs, and raising young. There are live cams that students can access to watch the nesting cycles of various birds around the country. And since the lab has been filming these nesting attempts since 2000, there are many to choose from in the archives.

Students can also participate in CamClickr, a Cornell Lab of Ornithology citizen science project, by becoming a Bird Sleuth. They can sort and tag NestCam images while learning about bird behavior. Instructors can download free lessons to help their students use CamClickr. There are also Bird Sleuth lessons that you can purchase but they are pretty expensive.

If you want to learn more about birds and birding, visit the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's All About Birds.