Okay, I have to admit that this is not a resource that I would, at first glance, give any credence to. It's unattractive, not incredibly credible looking and has (horrors!) Google Ads. That said, fortunately I took the time to look at this site long enough to realize its value.
I found it while working on a digital project at work. I was trying to describe an item that had the names of (what I assumed were) politicians, their district in Washington State and political party. No date! Nothing! What to do, what to do. I needed an accurate description for my meta data. If I hadn't been feeling lazy, I could have gone down two floors and found a reference book to help me out. But I didn't. I Googled it - (not Bing!, GOOGLE!). This is how I stumbled upon The Political Graveyard. This lovely site helped me figure out that the item I was researching was a list of candidates in the 1910 election of U.S. Representatives from Washington State. Awesome. It even told me who won. Didn't NEED to know but it was interesting none-the-less (apparently the Republicans were popular in Washington in 1910).
So what else can this resource do for you besides find information about politicians, judges and diplomats? Well, you can also look up places and cemeteries. Want to know what politicians are buried in your local cemetery? This is the site to use!
No, this isn't a one-stop-shopping site for political information, but it is a great jumping off point. Check it out. I bet you'll spend at least a half an hour looking up politicians of the past in your area.